Howdy! I am Praneeth(ε-guy) and welcome to my website. I am a Doctoral Student at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I joined the research group under Dr.Lewis Lehe in Fall 2020. Prior to this, I was Graduate Assistant Researcher at Texas A&M University, pursuing a Master of Science in Transportation Engineering. I also received my Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. My works involve studying the implications and possible consequences of connected and autonomous vehicles to society. Besides that, I develop algorithms/tools that assist vehicles to drive autonomously and perform experiments on high-speed autonomous vehicles.
I consider myself as a reinforcement learning agent trying to maximize the expected cumulative reward or be successful. I interact with the real-world and get rewards i.e. learn from failures and success in life. As for any RL algorithm to learn the optimal policy, both exploration and exploitation are needed. I love to explore different fields of study, a variety of food, cultures, etc. I believe in inter-disciplinary research and I also make it a habit to learn something new every day which is not necessarily related to my field of study. Therefore, I can be viewed as a guy with high Epsilon(ε) value or the ε-guy
Anything about Technology or Automation intrigues me and I do my best to develop a basic understanding of it. I believe that there is no single behavioral policy to become successful in life. When presented with a choice, I try to be ε-greedy instead of greedy(choosing the current best choice always) and hope that I will converge(be successful) almost surely.
Research Interests
- Reinforcement Learning
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Simulation and Automation
- Computer Vision
Please feel free to go through my website!